O envelhecimento profundo afeta a população total, o que por sua vez tem um impacto negativo nas populações de animais de estimação.


            Deep aging affects the total population, which in turn has a negative impact on pet populations.

            Taking Japan as an example, after the deep aging, population growth rate has turned negative for nearly a decade, during the same period, the number of Japanese dogs is obviously under pressure, and the number of cats remains relatively stable. With the proportion of elderly people in Japan increasing from 23.6% in 2010 to 29.9% in 2022, the number of Japanese dogs has decreased from 100.69 million to 70.54 million. At the same time, due to the limited ability of the elderly to take care of large dogs, the proportion of large dogs with higher pet consumption may continue to decline with the aging population.

            According to Euromonitor, we selected the data of Chinese mainland, China's Taiwan, Japan and United States, and found that in Chinese mainland, China's Taiwan, Japan, and United States, where the proportion of the elderly population has increased significantly from 1998 to 2022, the proportion of large dogs in the number of pets has decreased significantly, and the aging population has driven the changing structure of pet breeding.

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